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bechar hospital

Project Type : Concept & Design & Detail Solutions
Typology : Health
Location : Bechar, Algeria
Date : January, 2017
The fundamental principle of design in the project is to reduce the consumption of carbon fuels and thereby minimize harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This is achieved by optimizing the use of natural resources for heating and cooling. To this end, the primary design objective is to limit the ingress of sunlight through the building's external skin and to minimize direct solar contact with the façade glazing wherever possible. The façades are thus designed to offer shading that is responsive to the sun's orientation at all times.
The buildings' architectural language is shaped by this priority, with a substantial shading buffer zone incorporated into all external wall areas. The shading elements are specifically designed to correspond to the orientation of the façade, with horizontal deep shading utilized to minimize southern light and mashrabiya shading elements to reduce eastern and western light. As such, shading is the primary focus of the design strategy.

North Façade, semi-solid surface

South Façade, horizontal shadings on transparent surface

site plan

ground floor plan

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