M.Sc. Architect & Interdisciplinary Designer
hall of the wind

Project Type : Concept
Typology : Masterplan & Public Space
Location : İzmir, Turkey
Date : June, 2015

The project to reconsider Yeni Foça, İzmir was conceived during the European Workshops on Urban Quality and Architectural Identity in 2014.
The design concept for Yeni Foça is developed through a thorough analysis of the city's strengths and weaknesses. As a result, vehicular traffic is prohibited within the city limits, and designated parking areas are situated on the outer peripheries of the city. A green coastal axis is established, intersected by secondary green pedestrian axes. To provide shading along the commercial streets, a semi-permeable product is designed. New beach activities are introduced and scattered along the coastline, while unused open-air theaters are repurposed for open-air cinemas. Historical structures with cultural significance are refurbished and reintegrated into the cityscape, such as restaurants. In addition, piers are designed as restaurant and viewing/seating areas, enhancing the coastline's aesthetic and functional appeal.


In the Yeni Foça project developed during the EWUQ'14 workshop, the designated land serves as a transitional zone between the commercial streets and the primary pedestrian axes. The design approach focuses on examining the local climate, temperature, and seasonal conditions to analyze the wind patterns and determine the equilibrium and energy of forces within the area. The variations in these factors contribute to the unique character of the site, which generates diverse stimuli, including movement, sound, and other environmental elements.
To revitalize the area, the analyses identified potential opportunities and explored the possibility of creating an open-air interaction space by utilizing the top cover as the key component of the spatial organization.

woven fabric
resonance range
aluminum collar and strings that surround around the tree trunk